Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hospital Room Equipment Huge Fairfax Hospital Bill Even With The Insurance?

Huge Fairfax Hospital Bill even with the insurance? - hospital room equipment

Everyone, I need to do something about this situation.
In December last year, my GI doctor determined that I had my EGD I expected, and the disclosure and the writing of that my insurance is a diagnostic procedure and should be covered 100% for doctors and 150% sick-room, equipment, etc . ..

I WNET on that day for the procedure, and asked what they under the same conditions, the lady who checked me (admin trave employees) are covered, he said yes ... is a country of the proceedings.
Then, later on the basis that it is selected with the continuation of the proceedings, until I met a bill for $ 1189 a month a half.
I called the insurance company, said the hospital bill as a supplier, then, when I called to make sure they correct, and waited a month later, the hospital continues to send the bill to the same amount ... .
In short, the insurance companies that do not seem willing to pay as a supplier (for an outpatient center, as in the insurance brochure ).... to TFairfax Hospital is the public has, as it ... Everything is theory PP.
AAT So here I know that an insurance company have decided not to pay the bill could accordingly.
I asked the hospital, as I mentioned earlier. Freaking "must do at this moment, suggests the fate at a time, or ask them to" be involved, then I say or lie, are not covered.
I chose Serive on the basis of what they say, otherwise why would not we go-DB, if it is not an emergency.

I wonder if anyone knows the ends and do and not do in this situation where my opportunities are, we can discuss the bill with the insurance company or the hospital?

I would be glad ur suugestions


mbrcatz said...

OK, that has not been to the hospital for, it is well hidden, it is for you. And how to do is call your insurance company itself.

Tan If Fairfax is a participating provider, you can not be paid as if it became a participating provider. This is as my insurance covers this different. " Yes, yes, but on a different level of reporting.

Obviously you have already tried network costs. Only the means, if you somehow convince them that your health insurance is, in fact, the network of Fairfax. There are many ways to do that, too numerous to enumerate them all, "if", but from when nobody else is 25 miles from you, then the insurance company have to do it that way.

Call your insurance company. Talk to them.

Katie said...

Ok, especially, the insurance company will not decide whether they want to pay to a provider network or outside the network is limited. Hospitals and doctors decide what insurance they want to participate and signed a contract with insurance companies - not as a case-by-case basis. This contract is signed or not. If the hospital does not want to be on the network with your insurance, then you are outside the network. The hospital should know this, but that does not mean that you trust them to know the insurance. As a member, you should call your insurance company and ask them to contact their doctor and the hospital and see if they are inside or outside the network and ask them what their reporting of any situation to take the examination at an end.

It is assumed that the hospital must comply with the insurance coverage for each patient is unique.

You can appeal to your insurance, all you can do at this point. Or try to conclude an agreement with the hospital to achieve reduce the bill.

KTB said...

It's easy. I know it sounds like a flippant answer, but I know that is true. I am by L & H and P & C license and I am also the director of major losses Office. What I say is a fact, not lie or another, has offered me.

They occur only on "administrative" is likely, or distributed under the direction of the institution itself, believe me, it is by design and nobody else should know.

Here's the real deal. Hospitals and physicians are reimbursed first, and leave it and work later. To create an administrative nightmare for you.

That saves a lot of problems. They can have their money in cash or paid, bear interest, at least compared to the estimates (current and future) failure of payment or reimbursement (in whole or in part). Should they for the repayment of part of the payment is responsible, are not responsible for the repayment of all incomes. This is your goal. Here's a thought, if you multiply these efforts, with only 1,000 people consider the statement (s), including 1-3%.

You only need the personnel to be mobilized to arose a test or all of the procedures and costs by the institution at fault. You can in the position that the defendant (the insurer) with the opportunity to contest the charges, you get more than I can try. Only the truth. Sometimes, more often than we think a complaint from a hospital really criminal.

See the hospital that is trying to screw you agree, without hesitation. A challenged law is never a good thing for them. Get Tough and battle. It is your only option. I know it will. They have no other choice. It is so rare that an individual plaintiff and labor insurance.

Above all, though a small difference can be exposed to no help in your best interest (s), enter your information.

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